Thursday, October 27, 2005



(Photo from Copyright Jan Banning)
Their father Le Huu Dong (57) says: "Nhon (right, 27) and Hoa (14) have the same problem. People call them monsters, but their brains are normal. They can understand, speak and walk." As a soldier in the South-Vietnamese army, Dong was in contact with Agent Orange. A third child with the same syndrome died.
Jan Banning.

My friends,
Please don't call them monsters.

They are human being suffered from the vicious chemical named agent orange.

Please call them sisters (or daughters if they are at your daughters' age)

When you see them, let love and compassion be pumped out from your heart like your blood! Let them be seen through your teary eyes.

If you come to Vietnam, let you hug them, and warm them with your love and your compassion!

You may not bring money, bring love!

Please don't call them monsters. My friends!

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